At Customertimes, we proudly hold memberships in key business communities. These associations empower us with valuable industry insights, foster collaboration, and promote sustainable development.

By actively engaging in these networks, we strive to stay at the forefront of innovation, uphold ethical standards, and make a positive impact at the local and global levels.


At Customertimes, we proudly hold memberships in key business communities. These associations empower us with valuable industry insights, foster collaboration, and promote sustainable development.

By actively engaging in these networks, we strive to stay at the forefront of innovation, uphold ethical standards, and make a positive impact at the local and global levels.


At Customertimes, we proudly hold memberships in key business communities. These associations empower us with valuable industry insights, foster collaboration, and promote sustainable development.

By actively engaging in these networks, we strive to stay at the forefront of innovation, uphold ethical standards, and make a positive impact at the local and global levels.

Collision 2023

Collision 2023

Once again, we took part in Collision Conf, one of the fastest-growing tech conferences in North America.  

Our Sales and Growth teams were tasked with logo acquisition and asked to explore new ways to scale our growth, but we also used it as a valuable opportunity to promote and support the Ukrainian tech ecosystem that has been affected by the war in Ukraine.  

ISO 27001

ISO 27001

Customertimes has ISO 27001 certification.

This is the international standard for information security. It sets out the specification for an effective Information Security Management system.